Le Labo Thé Matcha 26 50ml

  • Detail

    Joining the folds of one of the industry's coolest fragrance brands, its Thé Matcha 26, a scent inspired by Japanese culture and the homely familiarity and routine associated with drinking traditional matcha.

    A 'skin scent' (meaning a 'close' scent, designed to reflect the naturallu clean, soft scent of your skin, detected only in the most intimate situations; a kind of 'your lips but better' lipstick of the fragrance world), Thé Matcha 26 is designed to be comforting and grounding. Matcha tea accord is infused with creamy fig, grounded by soft vetiver and textural cedar woods, and uplifted by enticing bitter orange. The perfect fragrance for a quiet Sunday spent reading, cooking and enjoying the relaxing solitude of your favourite home comforts, this fragrance is guaranteed to become an understated staple in your scent wardrobe.

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